7 things that your body does differently when you have obesity
Obesity is a health problem that impacts worldwide, and that does not have to do exclusively with excess weight, but also the consequences, visible or not, that are present in the body.
According to information revealed by The truth about weight , obesity should be treated with a comprehensive plan in the long term and always by the hand of a medical professional.
This is because when there is overweight or obesity, our body has more risk of developing other diseases. Here we explain them:
Arterial hypertension
The more fat the body has, the more oxygen and nutrients it needs to function. To do so, it requires blood vessels to circulate more blood to the tissue, which increases the workload of the heart. The increase in blood creates pressure on the arterial walls, causing what we know as high blood pressure or hypertension. In addition, excess weight can increase the heart rate and reduce the body’s ability to circulate blood.
Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes the affected person to stop breathing for short periods of time, interrupting sleep during the night and causing fatigue throughout the day. It also causes severe snoring.
The respiratory problems associated with obesity occur when the weight of the chest presses the lungs restricting breathing. Sleep apnea is also associated with high blood pressure.
Coronary heart disease
This condition occurs a lot in people with obesity because the deposits of fat accumulate in the arteries and restrict blood flow. This can cause chest pains and even heart attacks. Clots can also form in blocked arteries and cause heart attacks.
Joint pain
Obesity can affect knees and hips due to the stress of the extra weight they carry.
Psychosocial effects
People with excess weight are usually blamed for their condition and, therefore, are believed to be lazy or lacking in will power. For this reason it is usual that people with excess weight have more problems to get a partner or better jobs. Discontent with people suffering from obesity can lead to discrimination.
All this causes that some people who live with obesity or overweight have low self-esteem, which can lead them to develop depression.
Energy levels
People with obesity tend to have less energy and lead more sedentary lives due to the fact that they require more effort to stay active.
This creates a cycle in which less active people are at risk of increasing even more weight, and the higher they rise, the more sedentary they become. With the passage of time, even such an ordinary task as going up and down stairs can cause fatigue.
All these health problems could be avoided if you carry out a comprehensive plan to control obesity and avoid complications in the medium and long term. If you have obesity, it is necessary to go to the doctor.