Kolang-kaling is Best Anti Diabetic Solution
Kolang-kaling is a white, oval-shaped snack, and has a chewy texture when eaten.
Kolang kaling is often considered a snack that has a delicious taste when processed into compote or processed other sweet foods. Kolang kaling comes from palm seeds which are oval-shaped with green skin and gummy. Not only delicious, the benefits of koling are good for health.
Nutritional content of Kolang-kaling
The fruit is known to have a fairly high water content, up to 93%. Apart from water, kang-kaling seeds also have a protein content of 0.69 grams, and a carbohydrate content of 4 grams.
Kolang-kaling fruit is rich in potassium, iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and also gelatin.
The shape and texture of this kaling fruit makes it look unique, and is very suitable as a complement to fruit ice. In addition to the good taste and very interesting shape, the benefits of kolang-koling are very good for health because they have nutritional content.
Kolang also contains minerals such as protasium, iron, calcium, which all have benefits that can facilitate the metabolic process and make the body become very fresh.
Benefits of kolang-kaling for Health
In addition to delicious, here are the benefits of kaling which is good for your health, covesia.com quoted from the healthy document page.
1. Exercise digestion
When fasting, often digestion does not work well, causing digestive problems. This condition makes the body feel uncomfortable during fasting.
Apparently, to overcome this problem, kolang-kaling became the solution. Because, the benefits of kolang-kaling are believed to facilitate digestion and prevent constipation. This is because the chips contain fiber that is high enough to overcome the problem of difficulty defecating.
2. Healthy bones
During this time you may only know that to maintain healthy and bone density only need to drink milk every day. However, not only milk has benefits for bone health.
The benefits of kolang-kaling can also help maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis. This is caused by high levels of calcium contained in kolang-kaling which is very good for bone growth.
The efficacy of kolang kaling can also strengthen bones, because kolang kaling is a source of calcium. Calcium can strengthen bones, so it helps prevent osteoporosis.
3. Lose weight
Kolang Kaling is also suitable for consumption for those of you who are in the process of losing weight. Because, in addition to containing carbohydrates that can be relied upon as a source of energy for the body, the benefits of kaling also appear to contain gelatin which can suppress excessive appetite. So, it can be used as the right food when undergoing a diet program.
4. Healthy heart
The benefits of kolang can also nourish the heart, because the high fiber can help cleanse the blood vessels from cholesterol, which triggers arterioclerosis, this is due to obstruction of the cardiovascular system.
5. Prevent anemia
The content of iron in kolang-kaling is a component of hemoglobin, which is useful in supplying oxygen to various body tissues through blood circulation. If enough iron in the body, the body can prevent anemia.
6. Prevent dehydration
The benefits of kolang kaling for health that can prevent dehydration or lack of body fluids, because of the water content and high fiber, and many contain vitamins and minerals. Eating kolang is indeed refreshing, because these foods can help meet body fluids.
7. Maintain body metabolism
Kolang kaling has mineral content, such as iron, zinc, potassium, and calcium, this is useful to help the metabolic process in the body’s cells. So that the body has an amount of energy and nourishes the body.
8. Rejuvenate the skin
In addition to the benefits of kolang-kaling for health, it turns out that it is useful in skin rejuvenation because it contains high collagen. It is suitable for those of you who want to look young.
9. Rich in calcium
Calcium-rich fruits are very good for preventing undesirable things such as the occurrence of health problems of bones, teeth and joints of the body that cannot function properly.
You can make this kolang fruit as a daily consumption to meet calcium needs, especially for some people who are allergic to cow’s milk.
By consuming 100-200 grams of kolang kaling in a day, of course, unsweetened or artificial coloring, it is very useful to prevent and treat inflammatory problems in the joints.
10. Rich in fiber content
Kolang contains enough water and fiber, a substance that is beneficial to our digestive health, with which we can avoid constipation and diarrhea.
By consuming 5 to 10 kolang kaling every day, it is very nutritious to facilitate digestion. In addition, kolang kaling is also popular and very good for running a healthy diet program.
11. As a medicine for arthritis
Kolang Kaling contains galactomannan which has healing properties or can at least treat arthritis.
If in the process of treatment, then you can eat kolang kaling as much as 100 grams. To consume kolang-kaling, it is recommended to boil it first without using all kinds of colors and sugar.
12. Good for diabetes
The benefits of kolang kaling can help stimulate your body to produce insulin in diabetics. The hormone insulin is very useful to keep your sugar levels stable.
13. Rich in vitamins and other nutritional content
The body needs enough vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy. You can get vitamins and nutrients in kaling-kaling. Because, kolang-kaling is a complete package to meet the body’s daily vitamin needs, such as vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamins.
Kolang-kaling also contains minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron, all of which are needed by the body.
In addition, according to various sources, the benefits of kolang are for fertility. If it is true, there is no harm in consuming Kolang Kaling for your body’s health. Remember, don’t eat too much brood, excessive is always not good.