Natural Home Remedies For Sunburn
Simply ½ cup of cold water and ½ cup of apple juice vinegar and place a soft towel inside. Apply skin to impressive skin & drain. Repeat the application several times a day and for a few days.
½ cup oatmeal with just one ½ liters of water to form a liquid oatmeal mixture. Allow the mixture to cool completely and then apply to the skin tidy and applied to the skin. Mix for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Repeat the procedure twice a day.
1 teaspoon of hot water and 2 teaspoons 3 teaspoons iron in a bowl and allow tea bags to sink for 7 minutes. Remove the teapot and allow the tea to cool down to room temperature. Rinse off a clean cotton cloth in the tea, allow the skin to damp and drain. Repeat the application 3-4 times successively and perform several consecutive days. There is no need to wash the teapot.
It is very important to eat something. The 16-hour body tells us why we need to eat every day for 8 hours, why it is so important and how it affects our health and our health. Interstitial fasting affects our cells, hormones and facilitates fat loss.
When the sun’s hot rays are patterizing, your skin’s self-preservation is often overloaded. The skin’s colored pigments recognize and protect the skin. Conclusion: Solar rays prevent the skin, damage cell tissue, and cause inflammatory skin reactions. The dermis in the top layer of skin begins to expand the blood vessels, and the skin becomes red and painful. Often redness develops after 5 hours and reaches full picture after 12-24 hours. When sunburn is not treated properly, blisters often develop and begin to skin. Sunburn skin cancer can double the risk of melanoma in a fatal form. The best way to protect the sun burn is prevention. I mean:
Avoid hot sunshine during the afternoon: The sunlight from 10 to 16 is the strongest.Protect your skin with loose clothing and great, bright sunshine.Use sun glasses to protect your eyes. Use the natural sun a few times daily. Prepare a sunscreen in the text. Are you looking for transparent spots? Get off the sun early. (Note: sunburn can develop without appearing immediately). If it is not possible to prevent sunburn, it may help to lower the painful pain in the skin and reduce inflammation in some home remedies. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that help protect against signs of sunburn. Helps calm skin, promote healing process & relieve sunburn illness
To use Aloe vera: Remove some aloe vera gel from Aloe Vera leaves and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Apply a cool gel on a thin layer of sunburn and drain to completely absorb the skin of the aloe vera. Repeat the application 5-6 times a day for a few days.
If you do not have Aloe Vera, you can use Aloe Vera Gel from the pharmacy. However, it should be free from chemical additives.
Coconut oil
Coconut oils nourish & hydrate skin It cools the skin, reduces pain and improves the healing process. Vitamin E, present in coconut oil, acts as a powerful antioxidant, reducing inflammation caused by sunburn. For coconut oil use: Lightly heat coconut oil on your hands and slide the oil on sunblocked skin. Apply a few days a day for three times a day to help with the treatment process.
Baking soda
Bread soda alkohol, which is very beneficial to sunburn. Soothes skin & helps reduce skin scars thanks to antiseptic effect For baking powder: 4 tablespoons baking powder with a little water. Apply to the skin directly on a cotton ball and apply for 10 minutes. Then wash with warm water. Repeat the application for 1 to 2 times a day for a few days. Alternatively, mix well with 1 cup of baking soda in cold water and use a 15-minute refrigerator. After bathing, dry, dry and tapping on the skin. Take bath once a day. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple vinegar accelerates the healing process. Infused with salty and helps to relieve the sunburn. Additive acetic acid also helps to heal inflammation and itching.
Simply ½ cup of cold water and ½ cup of apple juice vinegar and place a soft towel inside. Apply skin to impressive skin & drain. Repeat the application several times a day and for a few days.
Note: Apple should not be used for skin problems.
Oatmeal tones the skin in sunlight and provides enough moisture. This reduces irritation and reduces heavy pain.
½ cup oatmeal with just one ½ liters of water to form a liquid oatmeal mixture. Allow the mixture to cool completely and then apply to the skin tidy and applied to the skin. Mix for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Repeat the procedure twice a day.
Black Tea
Black tea is rich in antioxidants that are very useful for nourishing skin. Tanenes reduce the damage of UV rays, reduce inflammation and support skin pH recovery.
1 teaspoon of hot water and 2 teaspoons 3 teaspoons iron in a bowl and allow tea bags to sink for 7 minutes. Remove the teapot and allow the tea to cool down to room temperature. Rinse off a clean cotton cloth in the tea, allow the skin to damp and drain. Repeat the application 3-4 times successively and perform several consecutive days. There is no need to wash the teapot.
Other Sunburn Tips:
Sun burns more water than the body. It is important to drink enough water. Sufficient water supply helps nourish body and skin and provides them with moisture. On the other hand, you have to avoid alcohol and coffee. Drain the body and increase the risk of dehydration. Quark is often used to treat sunburn. Helps eliminate signs of sunburn through refrigeration properties. However, it should not be exposed to skin for too long or use in open skins or skin. Bacteria can contain the body and cause infection. There are several home remedies to naturally eradicate sunburn. It helps to reduce heavy sunburn and erase signs in home remedies. In case of sunburn on blistering the skin should be consulted with a doctor.
At the right time
It is very important to eat something. The 16-hour body tells us why we need to eat every day for 8 hours, why it is so important and how it affects our health and our health. Interstitial fasting affects our cells, hormones and facilitates fat loss.