Stress affects everyone, and we all succumb under the pressure of too many things to do and too many responsibilities. When commitments and situations are perceived as too pressing, it is possible to resort to natural remedies to slow down and regain mastery of situations.
What is stress?
The stress is the set of reactions implemented by an individual in the face of external stimuli are perceived as disruptive, unexpected and often threatening.
Whether it’s an intense period of work, or an unexpected change, stressful situations vary from person to person , and induce a change in the balance of those who suffer them, both from a physical, mental and emotional point of view.
From a physical point of view stress manifests itself with the introduction of a greater quantity of adrenaline in the body, with an overload of the adrenal glands.
When the situation persists, stress leads to physical exhaustion: tiredness, depression, tension, insomnia, digestive problems, are all symptoms of a mental and physical overload resulting in a persistent stress.
In this case it is useful to run for cover, before arriving at a complete exhaustion.
10 natural remedies for stress
Before reaching the limit , stress and overload can be managed through simple and effective natural remedies accessible to everyone :
Stopping : easier said than done, but it is the first necessity of an organism being held up by too high a pace. Meditation is a simple and immediate way that allows you to slow down the pace and regain possession of reality. There are many types of meditation , and starting to meditate is very easy: the easiest wayit consists in stopping for a few minutes and concentrating the attention on the breath that enters and that comes out, rhythmically, without trying to force it or direct it. Already just listening to this natural rhythm allows to calm the breath itself and to stop all the accelerated physiology, allowing us to then resume the activities with a greater sense of freshness and lucidity. It takes only 5 minutes for three times a day: in the morning, in the evening, and in the middle of the day;
Or the essential , in essence burner used, help to relax the nerves and relax the mind: Lavender 5 drops Sandalwood 5 drops bergamot 3 drops, diluted in a little water, are a nice mixture. Lavender has calming and fortifying properties at the same time, the sandal melts the tensions and helps to slow down, while the bergamot reinforces the effect of the oils it combines with;
Bach flowers : rebalance the symptoms resulting from stress, acting on the causes. Each of us reacts differently to different stimuli, and what may be a source of stress for someone else may have no destabilizing effect. Starting from the assumption that stress is an exaggerated and prolonged reaction to a stimulus interpreted as “threatening” and “urgent to solve”, the Bach flowers normalize the personal response and allow to return to a state of equilibrium if they have gone too far. time the stressful conditions.
Olive and Vervein help to recharge their energy after a particularly demanding period and to relax tensions. Other flowers can help, such as Oak, Elm, White Chestnut and Hornbeam, and all of them act on prolonged fatigue and the feeling of excessive responsibility;
Stress stop : stress stop is a mixture of Australian flowers specifically designed for times when you are subjected to prolonged stress. The blend of these Australian flowers allows you to find calm and to focus on oneself, helping those who take it to distinguish between priorities and to access their resources without being overwhelmed;
A NUTRITION is an important support for those who are exposed to stress: supplement with foods containing B vitamins , magnesium and potassium, it helps relieve fatigue and decrease the production of cortisol and adrenaline. It is also inadvisable, during moments of overload, to introduce exciters such as caffeine, theine, alcohol, smoke, and sugars: the sensation of immediate “charge” that they give does nothing more than exhaust the energies further, in a momentary way, then leaving even more tired, tense and exhausted;
Passeggiare of at least 15 or 20 minutes allows to move the body, and drain the excess energy that is produced and stored when we are under stress. To oxygenate the body and the mind helps, as well as meditation, to put a stop to the frenetic pace from the often seems not to be able to detach;
The sunlight : the protracted stress depletes the body but also the mind, and can lead to physical exhaustion and apathy or depression. Exposing in the sunlight for as long as possible during the day allows you to adjust the mood. The ideal would be at least half an hour every day, but even just the way to go to work or to make two bus stops while moving from one destination to another, is more than useful;
Rest are necessary activities for those who are under stress. Stress leads to bad rest and sleep disorders, and the few hours of sleep feed stress. It is a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out. For this it is absolutely and absolutely necessary to dedicate the right time to a quality rest. If the head and the body continue to work autonomously even during the hours that we should devote to sleep, we can help with the infusions we have written just above, with meditation and deep relaxation: once the mind is stopped the body crumbled under the weight of fatigue;
Self-treatment of acupressure : there are points that allow the nerves to relax. Some of these need to be performed by experienced operators, others can be treated alone. These are the points on the hands and feet. The hand massage can be performed at the points located at the base of the neck, on the temples, and at the point between the two eyebrows. A foot massage , on the other hand, can be performed even without reflexology, it is relaxing and at the same time regenerating: massage the sole of the feet, pressing on the soft parts, and the back, taking care to press between the grooves of the metatarsals.
Stress is a feeling that people perceive when daily commitments exceed the personal and social resources that the individual is able to dispose of. Stress is a fundamental defense for the life of the individual, in order to maintain the balance between person and environment
The stress can be defined as the non-specific reaction (i.e. always the same) organism to various stimuli which act on it. This reaction is systemic (that is, it involves the organism as a whole) but, above all, it is fundamentally useful as it allows a better adaptation and a better survival to the individual in the face of unfavorable circumstances.
The stress reaction, useful and adaptive in acute situations, can however cause a pathology when it is too intense and above all protracted over time. In these cases we talk about chronic stress or distress. Distress, in particular, can evolve into work demotivation, also known as Burn out. Work is for man one of the central points of his life and its importance for the construction of individual identity is relevant. It can be said that the individual spends almost a third of adult life engaged in work.
This and what is connected to it (the path to reach the office, the people we work with, the personal commitment required) influences our way of being more than we usually think. Talking about stress in relation to work (Burn out) means then considering the work itself, the moments of the day connected to it, the tasks and the role that we perform, the relationships with colleagues and superiors; finally, reflect on how all of this fits into our vision of life and in the context of relationships with people that are significant for us.
What about the type of occupation that takes place? Beyond its relevance to the natural process of construction of the person, we can add that the specific tasks, autonomy or, on the contrary, hierarchical dependence, being inserted in complex structures, the social function that contributes to they are at the same time a factor of uneasiness and gratification at the same time.
The ability to tolerate a certain amount of stress is purely subjective, ranging from individual to individual. Some of the symptoms due to accumulation are:
- constant weariness,
- a condition of easy irritability,
- the onset of insomnia,
- the onset of digestive disorders (for example, ulcers and colitis)
- tachycardia,
- a persistent headache,
- high blood pressure,
- low back pain,
- a weakening of the immune system, which can lead to viral diseases, allergies, inflammations and more.